Of the 20 required hours, a maximum of 5 may be obtained out-of-classroom. To access our more than 30 hours of quality, home-study courses simply go to our online partner: www.cebroker.com. Once there, search for Optician...Florida...and Optical Seminars.

The courses are only $13 for one-hour modules, and $20 for two-hour modules. Once you successfully complete a course, it is immediately reported to the Board of Opticianry through CE Broker. 

Currently available home study classes include:
  • Florida Laws and Rules for Dispensing Opticians (2 hours)
  • Initial Florida Laws and Rules for New Florida Opticians (2 hours) 
  • Reduction of Medical and Ophthalmic Errors (2 hours)
  • HIV-AIDS: A Primer for Ophthalmic Professionals (1 hour)
  • Apprentice Orientation Class (2 hours)
  • Essential Management and Supervision Skills for ECPs (2 hours – elective)
  • Polarization and Sunwear (1 hour – technical)
  • Common Optical Disorders (1 hour – technical)
  • Increasing AR Percentages (1 hour – technical)
  • Competing with On-Line Spectacle Sellers (1 hour – elective)
  • Anisometropia in the 21st Century (2 hours – technical)
  • Living in the Material World (1 hour – technical)
  • The Dark Side of the Blue (1 hour - technical)
  • Contact Lens Solutions (1 hour – contact lens/technical)
  • Contact Lens Dos and Don’ts (1 hour – contact lens/technical)
  • Contact Lenses: A Primer for Optical Professionals (2 hours - contact lens/technical)
  • The Evolution of Contact Lenses (1 hour - contact lens/technical)
  • Fresnel (1 hour - technical)
  • Cleanliness and Hygiene for ECPs (1 hour - technical)
  • The "Perfect" I&R Session (1 hour - contact lenses/technical)
  • Geriatric Dispensing (1 hour - technical)
  • Falling: The Dangers of Multifocals (1 hour - technical)
  • Contact Lenses: Technology, Terminology, and Tomorrow (1 hour - contact lenses - technical)
  • Scleral Lenses in One Hour or Less (1 hour - contact lens - technical)
  • Anatomy and Physiology of the Eye (1 hour - contact lens - technical)
  • Myth Busters: Florida Opticians Edition! (1 hour - technical)
  • ​The History of Opticianry and More (1 hour - elective)

Copyright 2024

Members of Optical Seminars, and everyone who attends a live, Optical Seminars event receives two FREE home study hours for every day they attend. This means for every 8-hour day you attend, you actually receive 10 hours of continuing education! For a two-day seminar, the 16 hours become 20 hours. This is legal and perfectly acceptable, provided you do not complete the home study class on the same day you attend live classes.  What it allows you to do is obtain all 20 required hours in only two days.

(By the way: If you are a member of Optical Seminars you may attend all in-classroom hours if you prefer.)

Home-Study COURSES